I noticed a couple of days ago, while testing out a new proxy system at my company that Intel doesn’t like wget. Out of habbit, I usually use wget and sites like intel.com or cnn.com or netscape.com etc for testing internet connectivity from the command line. It had me running in circles for a little bit trying to troubleshoot the proxy when I realized it was the client that Intel was rejecting. I verified the results on multiple systems on multiple ISPs.
–2009-09-02 11:13:02–Â http://www.intel.com/
Resolving www.intel.com…,
Connecting to www.intel.com||:80… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 403 Forbidden
2009-09-02 11:13:02 ERROR 403: Forbidden.
And from another system, on another ISP(note connecting to a different IP on Intel’s side):
–2009-09-02 11:12:27–Â http://www.intel.com/
Resolving www.intel.com…,
Connecting to www.intel.com||:80… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 403 Forbidden
2009-09-02 11:12:28 ERROR 403: Forbidden.
Don’t know what Intel has against little ol wget, it’s harmless! I tested curl, lynx and of course other GUI browsers and they were all fine. I haven’t gone so far as to change my user agent to see if that is related, I don’t know how else they might be able to return a 403 though.