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April 9, 2010

Found a use for the cloud

Filed under: News,Virtualization — Tags: — Nate @ 1:42 pm

Another interesting article on Datacenter Knowledge and mentioned the U.S. Government’s use of the Terremark cloud, I recall reading about it briefly when it first launched but seeing the numbers again made me do another double take.

”One of the most troubling aspects about the data centers is that in a lot of these cases, we’re finding that server utilization is actually around seven percent,” Federal Chief Information Officer Vivek Kundra said


Yes, you read that correctly. A government agency was going to spend $600,000 to set up a blog.


The GSA previously paid $2.35 million in annual costs for, including $2 million for hardware refreshes and software re-licensing and $350,000 in personnel costs, compared to the $650,000 annual cost to host the site with Terremark.

For $650k/yr I bet the site runs on only a few servers(dozen or less) and has less than a TB of total disk space.

1 Comment

  1. […] you’d shake your head too. Sort of the response I had when I did come across a real good use case for the cloud earlier this […]

    Pingback by The Cloud: Grenade fishing in a barrel « — September 22, 2010 @ 10:03 pm

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