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May 19, 2011

$76/subscriber for LinkedIn IPO

Filed under: News — Tags: — Nate @ 8:08 am

Has been kind of interesting to watch this hot IPO unfold on CNBC this morning, they are reporting that the current valuation of $8 billion prices their subscribers at about $76 a piece.

LinkedIn IPO

The LinkedIn CEO was so very careful not to wade into answering what he thinks the valuation of the company should be, trying to not be associated with the dot com bubble.

Now trading at around $88 per share..

I can see the rest of the social media bubble blowers huffing and puffing as fast as they can, not that it will do a whole lot of good for companies that aren’t the leaders in the space, something the CEO of LinkedIn hinted at during an interview just after the IPO.

The pop in price certainly exceeded my wildest expectations.

I believe this is another sign that our economic cycle is nearing a peak, before it starts to decline again. Combine this with the uptrend in unemployment and “double dip” in housing along with other factors..

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