I went through a pretty massive storage refresh earlier this year which cut our floorspace in half, power in half, disks in half etc. Also improved performance at the same time. It’s exceeded my expectations, more recently though I have gotten worried as far as how far will the cache+disks scale to before they run out of gas. I have plans to increase the disk count by 150% (from 200 to 300) at the end of the year, but will we last until then? My past(admittedly limited) storage experience says we should already be having lots of problems but we are not. The system’s architecture and large caches are absorbing the hit, the performance remains high and very responsive to the servers. How long will that hold up though? There are thousands of metrics available to me but the one metric that is not available is cache utilization, I can get hit ratios on tons of things, but no info on how full the cache is at any particular period of time(for either NAS or SAN).
To illustrate my point, here is a graphic from my in-house monitoring showing sustained spindle response times over 60 milliseconds:

Physical Disk response time
And yet on the front end, response times are typically 2 milliseconds:

Fiber channel response time to NAS cluster
There are spikes of course, there is a known batch job that kicks off tons of parallel writes which blows out the cache on occasion, a big gripe I have with the developers of the app and their inability to(so far) throttle their behavior. I do hold my breath on occasion when I personally witness the caches(if you add up both NAS+SAN caches it’s about 70GB of mirrored memory) getting blown out. But as you can see both on the read and especially write side the advanced controllers are absorbing a huge hit. And the trend over the past few months has been a pretty steep climb upwards as more things run on the system. My hope is things level off soon, that hasn’t happened yet.
The previous arrays I have used would not of been able to sustain this, by any stretch.
Will it hold?