So today, right after the jobless claims came out, Dell came out and increased their bid for 3PAR to $24.30, thirty cents above HP’s offer, which was $6.00 above Dell’s original offer.
Even now, hours later I can’t help but laugh, I mean this is a good example showing what kind of company Dell is. Why are they wasting everyone’s time with a mere 1% increase in their bid?
A survey recently done by Reuters came up with an estimated $29 final price for 3PAR.
[..] That’s why some analysts say traditional metrics aren’t sufficient in assessing the value of 3PAR — a small company with unique technology that could grow exponentially with the the massive salesforces of either Dell or HP.
This morning on Squawk Box folks were saying the next step is for HP to bid up again and get 3PAR to eliminate the price matching clause with Dell to level the playing field.
I keep seeing people ask who needs 3PAR more. I think it’s clear Dell needs them more, Dell has nothing right now. But I’m sure Dell will do a lot to screw up the 3PAR technology over time, so HP is the better fit, more innovative company with more market leadership and of course a lot more resources from pretty much every angle.