The Register put it better than I could put it
World shrugs as IPv4 addresses finally exhausted
Count me among those that shrugged, commented on this topic a few months ago.
The Register put it better than I could put it
World shrugs as IPv4 addresses finally exhausted
Count me among those that shrugged, commented on this topic a few months ago.
What drives me? Innovation, strategic thinking, and value. Whether it's software, hardware, or even services. I think a lot, analyze a lot, and as you'll quickly see provide information overload on my thoughts.
I do hope you get some useful information from this site. I find it most useful personally to get thoughts out, and when I'm interacting with someone on a topic I wrote about I can direct them here to read my background on it, as sometimes I can't remember every aspect, and providing things in written form make it easier for people to absorb, refer, and reference.
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